For whom is Med Docket Medical Education system a useful e-learning tool?

Med Docket Medical Education system is a comprehensive e-Learning tool for history taking, physical examination and understanding clinical signs. It is a useful tool for:

Undergraduate medical students from all branches – MBBS, BHMS, BAMS etc
Nursing students

There are other e-Learning resources available in the medical college. What is the need of one more e-Learning tool?

It’s true that there is a plethora of e-Learning resources available today but Med Docket is unique as it teaches medical students something that is vital for their career – Mastering the art of Clinical History Taking.

Few books do provide this information but it’s very scattered. On the other hand, Med Docket medical team has spent lot of time and resources to collate information from a variety of textbooks and standard reference books to form questionnaires for history taking. Our team comprises of eminent doctors who not only have inclination towards teaching but also have decades of clinical experience.

Some of the advantages of Med Docket medical education include:

Standardized format and questions for history taking – this standardizes the quality of education
Physical examination section gives in detail the various aspects to be examined for each system and the possible answers
Format and language for writing correct history in a standard, globally-accepted form is taught only by Med Docket
No limit on data size allows unlimited attempts for each student to practice history taking.

Why is it important to learn about ‘history taking’ and ‘history writing’ using Med Docket?

Firstly, history taking is the most important preliminary step in order to arrive at the correct diagnosis and treat patients effectively thereafter
Secondly, there’s a vast difference in the caliber of students in every batch – ability, language, enthusiasm, etc – it becomes difficult for teachers to standardize history taking skill in each student
Writing history in correct format and language ensures that even if the patient goes to some other centre later on, the doctors there understand previous history, diagnosis and treatment plan easily.

Med Docket is an ideal tool in such a scenario because it ensures standardization of history taking and history writing amongst all students and inculcates this best practice early on in their profession.

If students use Med Docket to learn clinical skills, will it negatively impact the student-teacher interaction?

No, it will not do so; no e-learning tool can ever be a substitute for teachers. In fact, Med Docket only supports and strengthens the efforts put in by teachers. It frees the teachers from focusing on the ‘what’ and allows them to focus on the ‘why’ part of each symptom and disease.

Our Hospital already has HMIS (Hospital Management Information System) software. What is the need of another software to enter patients’ records?

To start with, Med Docket is not an HMIS. It’s a ‘learning tool’ for undergraduate medical students to learn the art of history taking, history writing, physical examination and understanding clinical signs
It purpose is completely different from HMIS which is an ‘administrative tool’ for tracking patient visits to the hospital
However, after using Med Docket as a teaching tool, if required, it can be integrated with the existing HMIS to allow doctors to record history of patients.


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